Email this story Printable version Pink realised she had 'nothing to fear' after hearing Brad Pitt and Matt Damon sing in their new movie. The stars all lend their voices to the new animation Happy Feet Two. Pink plays soulful penguin Gloria, and the character performs several songs during the sequel. Even though Pink is best known as a singer, she was terrified before recording her part. However, she soon felt at ease when she witnessed her co-stars belting out a tune. 'I got to watch Brad and Matt not only record some of their dialogue, but they also had to sing,' she revealed while promoting the movie. 'They just went for it, and I thought, 'Wow, I really have nothing to fear in there.'' Brad and Matt voice the characters Will the Krill and Bill the Krill respectively. The pair were happy to throw themselves into the script, even though they aren't the greatest musicians. 'The singing was a bit of a surprise,' Matt admitted. 'It was fun to just go for it and say, 'What the hell?' It's definitely not my strong suit, but I figured, you gotta go loud or go home.' Happy Feet Two also features the voices of stars including Elijah Wood, Robin Williams and Hugo Weaving. The family comedy is released worldwide from this week. © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Pink: Pitt is fearless singer
Email this story Printable version Pink realised she had 'nothing to fear' after hearing Brad Pitt and Matt Damon sing in their new movie. The stars all lend their voices to the new animation Happy Feet Two. Pink plays soulful penguin Gloria, and the character performs several songs during the sequel. Even though Pink is best known as a singer, she was terrified before recording her part. However, she soon felt at ease when she witnessed her co-stars belting out a tune. 'I got to watch Brad and Matt not only record some of their dialogue, but they also had to sing,' she revealed while promoting the movie. 'They just went for it, and I thought, 'Wow, I really have nothing to fear in there.'' Brad and Matt voice the characters Will the Krill and Bill the Krill respectively. The pair were happy to throw themselves into the script, even though they aren't the greatest musicians. 'The singing was a bit of a surprise,' Matt admitted. 'It was fun to just go for it and say, 'What the hell?' It's definitely not my strong suit, but I figured, you gotta go loud or go home.' Happy Feet Two also features the voices of stars including Elijah Wood, Robin Williams and Hugo Weaving. The family comedy is released worldwide from this week. © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Jackie Leven June 18th 1950 – 14th November 2011
Email this story Printable version The great Scottish singer and song writer Jackie Leven passed away on Monday, 14th November, at 8 o'clock in the evening. He had suffered from cancer. "There are spiritual story tellers and there are soulful story tellers. I hope to be a soulful story teller. I see the two kinds as two different directions. Spiritual is ascending. Sky, God and all that. I hope my story telling is going down into the earth, is wetter, has more moisture." Jackie Leven Born on June 18th 1950 in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland, Jackie Leven had a richer and more eventful life to draw inspiration from than most other dedicated followers of the bardic tradition. And when Leven sang so sonorously of the depths of pain he knew what he was singing about as much as when he sang of wild adventures in far flung places in Europe, love found and lost in a drab corner of Birmingham, and defiantly different loners like the Irish transsexual hitman who was the inspiration behind the title-track of his 2008 album "Lovers at the Gun Club". Childhood taught Jackie Leven what it meant to be an outsider. His father an Irish Cockney, his mother a Geordie, the family were treated as intruders by the close-knit and conservative Glenrothes community, especially as they also came from a Romany background. Typical for Jackie's rollercoaster life is the time in the early 1960s when he won the national Scottish Round Table School Essay competition (he had written about his dream of becoming a travelling musician) only to become the first boy in Scotland a few weeks later to be expelled from school for the possession of drugs. Married at 16, Jackie worked in a missile factory when, at 17, he became the target of a local gang that prevented him from returning home for weeks. In the end, Jackie grabbed his guitar and began a peripatetic life that lasted well over a decade. He worked as a farm labourer in all corners of Britain, spent time by the wall in Berlin, lived in County Kerry, Ireland, and ended up in Madrid where, under the name John St.Field, he released his first album, "Control" (the title is not without ironic undertone, since Spain was then still under the rule of the dictator Franco). Back in London, on the cusp between Punk and New Wave, Leven formed Doll By Doll, a band whose ferociously intense Rock sound and existential lyrics were at odds with the much more playful attitudes prevalent at the time. Like all truly innovative bands, Doll By Doll sharply divided opinions. Unforgettable to anyone who ever experienced them live, they were several years too early for their own good. "People used to say that our songs were depressing." remembers Leven: "What the fuck were they talking about? I cannot hear them as depressing at all. Probably they meant depressing to us the record company because we know we can't sell it." Doll By Doll released four albums ' the last of which numbered Pink Floyd's David Gilmour amongst the guest musicians ' before splitting up in 1983. Shortly after, Leven signed a solo record deal with the then laudably diverse Charisma/Virgin Records ' it was an act that changed his life in a tragic and not at all anticipated way. Walking down Market Street in Islington late at night after a recording session, he was attacked at random by a complete stranger, strangled and slashed across the throat. He was unable to speak for several months before discovering he had also been robbed of his ability to sing falsetto. Leven turned to heroin for solace. For several years, the drug became the centre of his life. First, he painfully but successfully weaned himself off the drug thanks to a course of traditional Chinese five-element acupuncture as well as psychic healing. Following his recovery, he co-founded the CORE Trust, an organisation still operating today in the central London and dedicated to a holistic approach to dealing with addiction. The first public signs of Jackie's re-birth as an artist came in 1994 when he released two new albums, "Songs from the Argyll Cycle, Volume 1" (a "Scotland only release", said the sleeve), and the richly textured "The Mystery of Love is Greater than the Mystery of Death", a cast-in-stone classic that featured in a good number of "best of the year" lists that December and served to define Jackie's style ever since. Helping him on an album that combined Rock with hints of Blues and Gospel and melodies steeped in Scottish and Irish tradition, were Waterboy Mike Scott as well as the American poet Robert Bly whose "Men's Movement" philosophy Leven admired at the time. "I didn't have a conscious aim in the sense of a manifesto," says Leven. "But I think I wanted to be a severe writer. I like things that are severe. That doesn't mean I like harsh music or harsh art. But I love it when someone puts you into that intense moment of what they're doing. I can't live without that in my own writing. Nothing would ever shake me from that intense, severe thing in the song." Those two albums in 1994 marked the start of a exceptionally varied and fecund second artistic life for Jackie. He has released twenty-four albums since, all of which are filled to the brim with his unique sense of melody, dramatic story-telling and lyrical depth. Amongst these, in 2004, was "Jackie Leven Said", a remarkable recording of the combined forces of Leven and a long-term fan, the Scottish author Ian Rankin, creator of the hard-drinking, hard-thinking Edinburgh cop D.I. John Rebus. Around the same time, the fascinating pairing of Leven and Pere Ubu himself, David Thomas, could be seen performing in various European venues under the heading Ubudoll. The usual music business habit of releasing a new album every two years or so was no longer enough to contain the thick flow of music generated by Jackie Leven's intense muse. This was, of course, a reflection of Jackie's similarly intense thirst for life. Those who knew him best tell of a bear of a man bursting with wit, humour and spirit, always springing a trick or two on unsuspecting friends, and counting amongst his greatest achievements a whiskey called "Leven's Lament", especially bottled in his honour by the Scottish distillers of Islay Mist. Long after having eased himself into a more settled life in rural Hamphsire, he still set off once a year with a sleeping bag and a handful of books for a very long walk in the countryside. Jackie's creative force was unstoppable. In 2009 alone he released no fewer than five albums. Four of these contained two albums each that had previously been available only through "The Haunted Valley", a sort of secret society that published a quarterly magazine and one album a year for the inner circle of Leven-appreciators. In the same year, 2009, Leven also released his third album under the pseudonym Sir Vincent Lone, an alter ego invented for the sole purpose of creating more room to release records and to give vent to some of his more experimental ideas. After that, Jackie Leven released two more albums, "Gothic Road" (2010) and "Wayside Shrines and the Code of the Travelling Man" (2011), the latter featuring ' as have many of the albums before ' Michael Cosgrave. It featured songs written mostly in German and Austrian hotel rooms. Martin Goldschmidt, the Cooking Vinyl Records founder, another long-standing Leven fan who has released all Jackie's albums since "Argyll Cycle", rightly regards it as Jackie's best album after "The Mystery of Love...". Jackie, with a typical twinkle in the eye, described it as "the world's first homeopathic record": "In the true homeopathic way, we have taken a sound ' in this case a sound which represents grief ' grieving is something we are not so good at in the West, and we have diluted that sound in the songs so much that you can no longer hear it, but the "memory" of the sound is still there. For this reason, the more you listen to this record, the better you will feel about the real sadness in your life." To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Pet Shop Boys accidentally announce new B-sides compilation
Email this story Printable version The Pet Shop Boys recently talked to Jack Carrington at Varsity, the independent Cambridge student newspaper and, in the course of the conversation, accidentally announced an upcoming compilation of b-sides. The duo had been discussing their ballet, The Most Wonderful Thing, and the choice of their song Being Boring to Time magazine's greatest songs when Neil Tennant said "I was listening to some of our old songs recently, because we're putting out another B-sides album in February, like an Alternative part two. But we're calling it Format." When Chris Lowe said "We're not announcing that yet, are we?", Tennant replied "Well why not - these things are usually leaked through some Japanese website anyway. I'd rather it came out here." Further into the conversation, they revealed that the album would be all of their b-sides from 1996 to 2009 starting with The Truck Driver and His Mate. Neil added "Actually I think some of our best songs are b-sides because on a B-side you can do what you like." To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Nick Lowe channels Johnny Cash on new album
Email this story Printable version Nick Lowe tells that the inspiration for one of the songs on his new album was his former father-in-law Johnny Cash. In his interview this week, Nick talked about writing the song 'Checkout Time' and the opening line 'I'm 61years old now, Lord I never thought I'd see 30'. 'I was sitting in front of the TV one night just strumming the guitar and that little tune and those chords just came to me and I heard that line and it was kind of Johnny Cash,' he said. 'I actually heard him singing it. 'I'm 61 years old now'. So I wrote that song about my own mortality. It was a good line so I said 'okay Johnny, if you insist I'm going this one'. Nick Lowe says he is enjoying life in his 60s. 'I feel very fortunate. I am enjoying this Indian Summer of my career,' he said. Nick was once married to Johnny Cash's daughter Carlene Carter 'He was a wonderful man. I miss him very much and June as well. June Carter,' he said. He says he got along well with his in-laws. 'I was always very interested in asking them about people they knew, country and western music, a lot of whom were dead,' he said. 'I was always interested in hearing their stories and June had some fantastic stories about her family, the Carter family. They were great listeners too. They were always interested in what I did. I didn't think they would coming from a mundane English rock and roll band'. Johnny liked Nick's music as well and recorded some of his songs. 'He professed to actually enjoy it and he did in fact covered a couple of my songs,' he said. 'A lot of his sons-in-laws (and he had a lot of them too), he had a lot of daughters and a lot of them had multiple marriages and a lot of his sons-in-law were musicians. He was real good to them and a lot of them I wouldn't give the time of day to because they were a real dodgy lot. The great thing about the Cash's was once you got your feet under the table you had to do something real bad to not be welcome there'. Listen to the interview with Nick Lowe here: Nick Lowe by noise11dotcom To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
LeAnn Rimes prefers countryside
Email this story Printable version LeAnn Rimes formed a deep bond with her co-star Burt Reynolds on the set of their new film. LeAnn plays Holly Whitman in County Music Television network's TV feature Reel Love. Burt portrays Holly's father Wade Whitman who is ill and admitted to hospital. LeAnn's character ventures back to her small hometown from the big city to reestablish a relationship with her ailing dad. LeAnn and Burt became close while filming. '[Burt's] such a prankster,' LeAnn gushed to Entertainment Weekly. 'He started with me, and then he moved around to all of the women on the set sending them flowers saying, 'Thanks for last night.' He definitely made his rounds and made his presence known. We had a blast, we really did. He cracks me up.' LeAnn found portraying her character challenging at times. Burt helped bring out her artistic expression throughout the shoot. 'But there were some really funny moments,' LeAnn explained. 'Like, I really didn't know that he was gonna gun the boat and throw me back [into the seat ]. He would say some smart-a*s remark, and I guess I just instantly clicked with him, so I gave it back immediately. I'm like, Oh. Did I just say that to Burt Reynolds? Oh yeah, but I'm playing a character. Then I started yelling at him, and after the first take, he came back and patted me on the back and was like, 'Good going, kid.' I thought Okay, I'm doing my job.' A country girl at heart, LeAnn appreciates the pastoral Canadian setting in which the movie was filmed. The tumult of city life was obliterated by the peace of the countryside. 'I'm from really small town Mississippi, and there's moments where I really wish that I had that back when I go through the hustle and bustle of just my life, and job, and living in L.A. There's sometimes that I wish I could be content just sitting on a front porch of a house in Mississippi and just being that chill. You really kinda got into the whole vibe of the small town because we really were experiencing it.' Reel Love airs on CMT in the US on Sunday November 13. © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Primal Scream say au revoir to Mani in Brixton
Email this story Printable version In a packed and perfectly formed Electric venue Primal Scream took to the stage for this Levi's Craft Of Music event for what was to be Mani's last gig (but only for a while) as he prepares for what will be the monstrous world domination of The Stone Roses reformation. Wearing his usual ear to ear smile Mani attacked the set list with the vile and vigour we have come to expect. Bobby jumped around the stage in a silver shirt with regaling us with his silver tones. With the strobe lighting on overdrive and plenty of sing-a-longs Primal Scream are now recruiting for a part time bassist, anyone up for it? Setlist below 10.11.11: Movin On Up Slip Inside This House Don't Fight It Feel It Accelerator Damaged Higher Than The Sun Shoot Speed Swastika Eyes Loaded Come Together Country Girl Jailbird Rocks To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Tom Morello The Nightwatchman & Billy Bragg to play Occupy London at St Paul's today
Email this story Printable version Later on this afternoon at about 4pm today Tom Morello The Nightwatchman & Billy Bragg are set to perform at Occupy London at St Paul. The Nightwatchman is the alter-ego and solo act of Rage Against the Machine, Street Sweeper Social Club and former Audioslave guitarist Tom Morello. Billy Bragg, is an English alternative rock musician and left-wing activist. His music blends elements of folk music, punk rock and protest songs, and his lyrics mostly deal with political or romantic themes. His music career has lasted more than 30 years. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
50 Cent planning Rourke project
Email this story Printable version (Cover) - EN Movies - 50 Cent says he is going to work with Mickey Rourke again 'soon'. The pair met up to discuss their plans over lunch together yesterday. 50 Cent later took to his Twitter account to post a picture of them with their arms round each other along with the announcement. 'Had lunch with Micky Rourke today were goin 2 work together on another film soon ...(sic),' he tweeted. Mickey and 50 Cent previously worked together on 2010's 13 alongside Jason Statham and Alexander Skarsgard. The drama followed Jasper, played by Jason, who assumed a dead man''s identity and finds himself embroiled in an underground world of power, violence, and chance where men gamble behind closed doors on the lives of other men. 50 Cent has had a busy year with the release of a new semi-autobiographical book about bullying and his fifth studio album due out in December. The star has also had roles in movies such as Get Rich or Die Tryin' and Things Fall Apart. © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
The Pro Mic by Paper Jamz Pro
Email this story Printable version Right in time for Christmas, some cool new WowWee toys and gadgets are now available, like the Pro Microphone ' the perfect present for aspiring pop- and rock stars! The Pro Microphone from the Paper Jamz Pro series offers 'perfect pitch' vocal-tuning technology and four other voice-enhancing effects (as seen demoed by Katy B in 'Something for the Weekend'). Your vocals will be transformed to sound like a singing sensation! The Pro Mic comes with two songs for instant play, but you are not limited to that. Simply download the Paper Jamz Pro App for PC and Mac, connect the Pro Mic via USB and you can install new music and sing like your favourite stars. Wow wee, this is a lot of fun for boys n girls of all ages! Features: Auto mode adjusts effects on the fly to recreate a track's original sound 2 built-in songs put you on the road to stardom Add songs from your own library with Paper Jamz Pro app Voice Effects: Perfect Pitch: Corrects your pitch so you're automatically in tune Chorus: Multiplies your voice to add depth Auto Vibrato: Adds dramatic effect to your voice Melody Match: Tunes your voice so you always sing a perfect melody Auto Harmony: Sound like part of a perfectly harmonized duo Available in three cool designs for girls and boys. £34.99 RRP. ( To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Adele undergoes throat surgery
Email this story Printable version Adele's throat surgery was a success, her doctor has announced. The British singer underwent a procedure at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston recently and is expected to make a full recovery. The hospital released a statement saying operating doctor Steve Zeitels was happy with the results and progress so far. 'Adele underwent vocal cord microsurgery by Dr. Steven Zeitels to stop recurrent vocal cord haemorrhage (bleeding) from a benign polyp,' it read. 'This condition is typically the result of unstable blood vessels in the vocal cord that can rupture. Based on the advice of her doctor and voice therapist in the United Kingdom, Adele came to Boston to consult and undergo corrective voice surgery with Dr. Zeitels. 'Dr. Zeitels expects Adele to make a full recovery from her laser microsurgery.' The Someone Like You songstress has had to cancel and postpone several concerts in recent months because of the condition. 'Doctors have ordered her to rest her voice and completely recuperate before looking to schedule any work commitments,' a statement from Adele's team read last month. The doctor looking after the 23-year-old performed a similar procedure on Aerosmith's Steven Tyler who went on to make a full recovery and has continued to perform successfully. © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Bon Jovi and U2 take on Take That in Billboard Touring Awards
Email this story Printable version Billboard magazine has announced their finalists for the 2011 Billboard Touring Awards and they are looking very much like last year's list. Both Bon Jovi and U2 repeat as nominees in the Top Tour and Top Draw categories, going up against British giants Take That (last year, they were up against AC/DC). U2 took the award in both categories. The awards are based on box office figures from October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011 and will be given out November 10 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York. Billboard's Ray Waddell said "To a large degree, the touring industry rebounded this year, and the tours, venues, companies and events that are finalists for the 2011 Billboard Touring Awards are examples of the types of shows that worked. The wide range of success shown by the finalists proves superstars are still superstars, artist development is still happening, and fans still love the live concert experience." The nominees in the artist categories: Top Tour Bon Jovi, The Circle Take That, Progress Live U2, 360 Top Draw Bon Jovi Take That U2 Top Package (Tours with three or more acts) Kenny Chesney's Goin' Coastal tour, with Zac Brown Band, Uncle Kracker, Billy Currington Taylor Swift's Speak Now tour, with Needtobreathe, Danny Gokey, Frankie Ballard, others Usher's OMG tour, with Miguel, Trey Songz, others Breakthrough Jason Aldean Katy Perry Rihanna Top Comedy Tour Jeff Dunham Peter Kay Robin Williams Top Boxscore (single stand at a single venue) Take That, Wembley Stadium, London - June 30-July 9 Take That - City of Manchester (U.K.) Stadium - June 3-12 U2 - Estádio do Morumbi, São Paulo, Brazil - April 9-13 Top Festival Austin City Limits Music Festival, Austin, TX Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, Indio, CA Lollapalooza, Chicago, IL The Inaugural Apple Recipient Perry Farrell Legend of Live Journey To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Lenny Kravitz to release new single
Email this story Printable version Lenny Kravitz announces 'Push' as the second single from his critically acclaimed album 'Black and White America'. The track, written, produced and arranged by four-time Grammy award winner Kravitz, calls on us to look to the future and 'push the clouds away' with its uplifting vocal and upbeat melody. Regarded as one of the preeminent rock musicians of our time, Lenny Kravitz has transcended genre, style, race and class into a 20-year musical career, one which revels in the rich influences of '60s and '70s soul, rock and funk. From 1999 to 2002, he won four consecutive Grammy Awards, setting a record for the most wins in the 'Best Male Rock Vocal Performance' category with his single 'Dig In' (previously winning for 'Again,' 'American Woman' and 'Fly Away'). Kravitz is currently on his Black and White Europe tour, which features brand new staging and production and includes all of Lenny's biggest hits as well as showcasing the new album. The tour will head across Europe throughout November before winding up in Paris on the 29th. Marking his first release of new material in three years, 'Black and White America' is a rich rock and funk-infused collection filled with Lenny's signature guitar riffs, compelling melodies and the undeniable anthemic lyricism that has been his trademark over the course of his 20-year career. Recorded in the Bahamas and Paris, Lenny Kravitz's vocals and guitar playing are as distinct as ever on 'Black and White America,' showcasing the intensity with which he records and performs. Kravitz, a multi-instrumentalist, produced, wrote and arranged the 16 tracks on the record. For more information please go to To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Florence Welch: I’m unsure about motherhood
Email this story Printable version Florence Welch admits that she is torn over whether she wants a family. The 25-year-old is well known for rocking out with her band Florence + the Machine. However, the flame-haired star explains that she might like to become more responsible. 'Do I want to have a family, some responsibilities? The teenager inside me yells, 'No!', but the adult I want to be seeks serenity," she told the French edition of Be. The contradictions that Florence is facing are reflected in the band's new album Ceremonials. The singer explained the stories behind the lyrics and the themes running throughout the album. "[Death, love and sex] are everlasting subjects. This album is much more introspective than the one before,' she revealed. 'When I read the lyrics again, I feel at war with myself. I talk about a turning point in my life, my inner fight between a need for freedom and wanting to feel safe.' Florence loves all the fellow female singers around at the moment, in particular Lady Gaga. The eccentric singer offered Florence support at the MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) last year. "I am a huge fan of Lady Gaga. She is so adorable,' she gushed. 'Before I performed on the stage of the VMAs she came to give me a big hug to encourage me. And she is so funny, she sings so well on stage and her gigs are so theatrical - pure entertainment!" © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Friday, November 4, 2011
The Kills unveil video for ʻBaby Saysʼ
Email this story Printable version The Kills - Jamie Hince & Alison Mosshart have released details on their new video for their latest single ʻBaby Saysʼ, which was made available through Domino on October 24th. The videoʼs style is reminiscent of Almadovar meets Wong Kar Wai; a heartbreaking look at a man living in one of Barcelonaʼs subcultures. The video was directed by Ben Crook and can be seen over on Domino's YouTube channel: The band will be playing their biggest UK show to date at Londonʼs Brixton Academy on December 3rd. They have also announced new North American tour dates in January and February 2012, including a very special 10th anniversary show at New Yorkʼs Terminal 5. The Kills are currently on tour in South America and will be touring in Europe from early November. Most recently Jamie & Alison were personally requested to play David Lynchʼs Club Silencio in Paris, performed electrifying sets at Lollapalooza and Bumbershoot and have appeared on Conan, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Last Call with Carson Daly in support of their latest offering, 'Blood Pressures'. 'Blood Pressures', released earlier this year, finds The Kills delivering their vivid and uniquely gritty post-blues, but with a new level of thoughtfulness and depth not yet explored by the duo. An album tinged with wistfulness and vulnerability, it has an enduring sense of intricacy and richness that intensely blends with their ever-compelling songwriting. European Live Dates: NOVEMBER 11 Ameins, France @ Zenith Nov 12 Paris, France @ LʼOlympia 13 Paris, France @ LʼOlympia 15 Lyon, France @ Le Transbordeur 16 Toulouse, France @ Le Bikini 17 Nantes, France @ La Carriere 18 Nancy, France @ LʼAutre Canal 20 Lausanne, Switzerland @ Les Docks 21 Zurich, Switzerland @ X-Tra 25 Amsterdam, Holland @ Paradiso 26 Brussells, Belgium @ Cirque Royal 27 Koln, Germany @ E-Werk 29 Muchen, Germany @ Tonhalle 30 Berlin, Germany @ Columbiahalle DECEMBER 03 London, UK @ Brixton Academy To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Beastie Boy Adam Horowitz writes music for play
Email this story Printable version Ad-Rock from the Beastie Boys is moving into a new area for his career, writing music for an off-Broadway play written by his father. Ad-Rock, known to his dad as Adam Horowitz, has been pretty busy of late with extra-curricular dalliances. He recently appeared on a cooking show Just Desserts and now XXL announces that he's written the music for an off-Broadway play written by his father Israel Horowitz. The play, titled Gloucester Blues, has been described as a 'black comedy about a man who returns home after a long absence to find a number of infidelities, including murders.' The play is staged by the Barefoot Theatre Company and runs for three weeks, from November 16 to December 3, at the Cherry Lane Theatre in New York City. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Primal Scream to play intimate fan-constructed London gig
Email this story Printable version Levi's® has launched its latest installment in the Craft of Music live event series. This unique fan-curated event will be headlined by Primal Scream, one of music's genuine legends. On 10th November 2011, at the newly launched Electric Brixton, Primal Scream will play an intimate gig comprised of some of their best tracks of the last 20 years ' as selected by the fans. With the Stone Roses' reunion imminent, Primal Scream's bass player Mani will be returning to his first band. The Levi's® Craft Of Music gig at Electric Brixton will be one of the last chances to see Primal Scream live for the foreseeable future. Primal Scream fans will be given the opportunity to select 10 tracks from a Primal Scream shortlist. The band will also play an exclusive cover version which will also be selected by the fans. Additionally, Levi's® has hosted a series of gigs featuring six up-and-coming bands at its flagship store on London's Regent Street in the run up to the event. Fans will be able to vote online for their two favorite artists to support Primal Scream at the main event. Primal Scream + Selected Support Electric Brixton, Town Hall Parade, London SW2 1RJ 10th November The Craft of Music campaign launched on Monday 10th October giving music lovers the unique opportunity to become involved in the process of creating a major music event, with the chance to win tickets to attend. You can vote now online, on your mobile, and in-store, inputting your choice of ideal set list and cover song Primal Scream will play as well as who you want to see support them. To vote online visit All voters will have the chance to win tickets to one of three in-store gigs as well as to the headline show. Primal Scream and the two favorite up-and-coming acts will play to 1,200 ticket winners on 10th November at Electric Brixton. To win these money-can't-buy tickets, cast your votes at To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Courtney Love ‘unhappy with daughter’s engagement’
Email this story Printable version Courtney Love reportedly looked like a 'wicked witch' while talking to daughter Frances Bean about her recent engagement. Frances, 19, is Courtney's child with late Nirvana rocker Kurt Cobain. The teenager recently accepted a marriage proposal from her long-term boyfriend Isaiah Silva, who is in band The Rambles. Courtney is said to be concerned Frances is too young for such a commitment and apparently told her daughter so during a recent phone call. 'Trust me,' an insider told Chicago Sun-Times, 'Courtney's face was so contorted - she looked just like the wicked witch from The Wizard of Oz. She just needed to have the green make-up.' Frances has inherited a lot of money from her father's estate. She has bought a $1.9 million home in the Hollywood Hills with some of it, which is where she and Isaiah live. Courtney, 47, is reportedly worried her daughter's partner might be too interested in her money, but a source close to him has dismissed her concern. 'That's ridiculous. Money is not the driving force in Isaiah's life,' the insider said. Courtney and Frances Bean have a difficult relationship. The singer's daughter was removed from her custody in 2003 after Courtney suffered an accidental overdose of painkiller OxyContin. When she was 17, Frances requested to be removed from her mother's care. The teenager took out a restraining order against Courtney and went to be cared for by her paternal grandmother and aunt. The singer has repeatedly said she wants to mend bridges with her daughter. © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Beavis and Butthead return
Email this story Printable version Beavis and Butthead have returned to the television screen after 13 years and the new audience loves it. MTV USA resurrected the show, now known as Mike Judge's Beavis and Butthead, and airs the program at 10pm on Thursdays. The first program this week drew at audience of 3.3 million, a reasonable audience for cable at that time of night. Mike Judge created the characters in 1992 for his short film 'Frog Baseball'. MTV signed Judge to develop them into a series and the first program aired on March 8, 1993. It ran until October 27, 1997. In 1996, Judge created the film 'Beavis and Butt-Head Do America'. It featured original music from Red Hot Chili Peppers and Engelbert Humperdinck. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Alice Cooper: I’ll always be on stage
Email this story Printable version Alice Cooper will only retire once he can't 'physically get on stage'. The veteran rock musician has had a hugely successful career that spans more than four decades. Alice is proud of his achievements in the music industry, and insists he's not ready to bow out just yet. 'f I ever got to the point where I couldn't physically get on stage or if we did a show and no tickets were sold I'd say, 'OK, time to hang it up,'' he said in an interview with the UK edition of OK! magazine. Alice loves performing on stage. The 63-year-old never tires of his energetic shows, and hopes to continue doing them for a long time. ' feel great and we sell out ever show. I'm going to ride this horse for as long as I can!' he added. Keep your eyes peeled for our exclusive interview with Alice Cooper soon. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
X Factor stars visit children's hospice
Email this story Printable version X Factor contestants, Frankie Cocozza, Kitty Brucknell, Janet Devlin and The Risk, to name but a few, visit poorly youngsters at the Shooting Star CHASE children's hospice in Guildford, Surrey, ahead of the release of this year's charity single, Rose Royce classic 'Wishing On A Star'. The 16 finalists will be grouping together to release the single in aid of ACT & Children's Hospices UK, available via download on November 20 and via physical single on November 21, on Syco Music. The 16 acts performing on the single are: the boys, Frankie Cocozza, Craig Colton, Marcus Collins and James Michael; the girls, Janet Devlin, Amelia Lily, Sophie Habibis and Misha Bryan; the groups, Nu Vibe, Rhythmix, The Risk and 2 Shoes; and the overs, Kitty Brucknell, Johnny Robinson, Jonjo Kerr and Sami Brookes. Shooting Star CHASE children's hospice supports over 500 families living in Western London, Surrey and West Sussex - To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Nicole Scherzinger ‘dating Drake’
Email this story Printable version Nicole Scherzinger and Drake have been spotted out on a date. Global Grind reports that Nicole and the Take Care star enjoyed a romantic dinner at Hollywood eatery Cecconi last night. The pair tried to avoid getting caught together by the paparazzi. Nicole left the restaurant first and Drake following shortly after. The sighting comes almost a week after Nicole's split from Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton was reported. The couple had been together for four years, but apparently decided to call time on their relationship due to work conflicts. 'ncreasingly hectic schedules this year have meant limited face-to-face time,' a source told British publication The Mirror. 'They've probably spent more time on the phone or on Skype than they have in person.' However, Drake is not the first man Nicole has been linked to following the end of her relationship with Lewis. The 33-year-old is also rumoured to be getting cosy with X Factor USA host Steve Jones. The Welshman has reportedly been a strong source of support for Nicole. "Nicole is crushed and has shed so many tears,' an insider said. 'Steve's been a shoulder to cry on and a real gent. They have become close and have met up outside the studio. He listens to her and makes her laugh." © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Coldplay headed straight for USA number one
Email this story Printable version Coldplay will easily have the number one album in America next week with 'Xylo Myloto'. The 5th Coldplay album is tracking to selling upwards of 450,000 units over the week in America, according to The last Coldplay album 'Viva La Vida' sold 721,000 in week one when it was released in June 2008 and went on to sell 2,760,000 units in America. Also selling strong is Kelly Clarkson 'Stronger' with Hits suggesting sales of around 160,000 while Michael Buble 'Christmas' may do around 110,000. That may push Adele in the 4th spot next week, after an incredible run that still sees her selling over 100,000 copies a week in America. Other debuts next week in the USA will be Toby Keith 'Showdog', Tom Waits 'Bad As Me' and She & Him (Zooey Deschanel and M Ward) 'A Very She and Him Christmas'. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Rihanna’s new man not star-struck
Email this story Printable version Rihanna didn't 'intimidate' Dudley O'Shaughnessy when he starred alongside her in her latest promo. Rihanna and ex-boxer Dudley met at a casting for the video for her new single We Found Love, where the singer hand-picked Dudley to play her lover. Dudley wasn't daunted by the prospect of getting steamy with one of the world's biggest superstars. Instead, he says the Barbadian beauty was a joy to work alongside. "I wasn't star-struck at all - she's just such a nice girl," he told British newspaper The Evening Standard. "It's not like just because she's achieved so much that she thinks her sh*t don't stink. She's such a humble down-to-earth girl and that made it even better for me because I didn't feel intimidated or anything. We just got along - we were just mates. It took about three-and-a-half days to film. I loved it. I didn't want it to end. Not just because it was 'a certain person's' video but just because I love being on set." Rihanna and Dudley have remained in contact since shooting the video and are rumoured to have hit it off romantically. Dudley's career had stalled before landing the lead role in Rihanna's promo. He says being offered the part couldn't have come at a better time. "I was ranked number one in the country - I was a prospect for the Olympics. I won the [Amateur Boxing Association] Championships and still got overlooked by Team GB," he explained. "When something is your dream and you do everything you need to do to get to your dream, but then you're still not getting picked, you think 'What will I do?' I was thinking, 'I'm going to have to get a normal job now. I'll have to be a plumber or something.'' © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Fancy being Jedward, Olly or Simon? X Factor day announced
Email this story Printable version The first ever X Factor Day will be taking place on 31 October 2011! Yep, the same day as Halloween! The day has been set up by X Factor and Reality TV writer Dean 'Midas' Maynard. Why? Because he believes that the show deserves a whole day of its own and wants to use the day to raise money for charity at the same time. In recent weeks past contestants One Direction & Cher Lloyd, who emerged from the X Factor 2010 and ladies favourite Olly Murs from 2009 have stormed the charts with their latest singles, all going to Number One. Dean said "This day is totally unnofficial but I hope the X Factor team help us and get behind it so we can raise loads of money for various charities" Here are four great ideas of how you can join in this weekend. Take advantage of the fact that the day ties in with Halloween! You could wear the mask of a judge or contestant and donate money to be that person for the day. Along a similar theme you could host an X-Factor themed party on Halloween weekend while you watch the show! The third suggestion is to hold your very own talent show! Do you have some talented friends? You could ask for help to set up the show in your community and ask contestants to donate to charity. The donations can be for any charity of your choice! The staff at 'Force 18' have decided that their charities of choice will be the NSPCC and The National Autistic Society. If you want to buy a National X Factor Day t-shirt go to with £3.00 of every sale going to two great causes. Finally, to scroll through the great X Factor videos of past and present auditions, go to this X Factor day is also officially listed on the National awareness days Have a great National X Factor Day. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Rihanna praised by promo director
Email this story Printable version Rihanna is the kind of singer people want to work with again and again, says Melina Matsoukas. The director has just finished shooting Rihanna for her We Found Love promo. Melina is a huge fan of the star and her controversial ideas and also directed the video for her hit singles Rude Boy and S&M. 'There's definitely some more music coming out and I'm sure we'll do some more collaborating. I definitely would love to,' Melina told MTV news. ''m excited that I got to do the first one off her new album, the first single. I've never done that, so that was good."?? Rihanna is seen playing a darker character in the footage which accompanies We Need Love. She is possessed by an an all-consuming relationship that leads to drug addiction. Melina believes the serious tone of the promo is indicative of Rihanna's future look and sound. "I think it sets up definitely the imagery for the album and it's in line with what they're doing," she explained. "So that's good, and I'm sure there's plenty more, hopefully. I'm not sure, but [we'll see]. She called me after, and she loves it and I love it.' We Found Love was shot in the UK and co-stars Irish model Dudley O'Shaughnessy. The chemistry between the Barbadian singer and Dudley continued to sizzle off set. The pair are now said to be dating. © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Michael Bublé ‘loves’ children
Email this story Printable version Michael Bublé is excited at the prospect of having children with his new wife. The 36-year-old Canadian singer married 24-year-old Argentine actress Luisana de la Torre in March. Michael is enjoying the newlywed phase, but would not mind expanding his family soon. "I've said to [Luisana] a million times I'd love to have kids," Michael told ET Canada. Michael does not want to rush Luisana into parenthood. He wants her to get pregnant when she feels fully prepared to have a child. "I always say to her when you're ready ' when you feel like you've lived and you've partied and done all the things you want to do. When you've worked your butt off, then tell me,' Michael explained. Since Michael and Luisana are not currently expecting, the singer is happy to spend time with his kin's children in the interim. Michael admits that these experiences are bittersweet. "All my friends have babies so every time one of them says, 'Guess what, you're going to be an uncle,' part of me is so happy for them and the other part of me is jealous,' the singer revealed. © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
The King Blues to release new single
Email this story Printable version This Autumn will see fresh new ground covered by The King Blues as they collaborate with Silcox & Eyes for a searing remix of their new single and fan-favourite 'The Future's Not What It Used To Be', taken from their third critically acclaimed & Top 40 album - Punk & Poetry (2011). It's a big few months for The King Blues as they head to Europe for a 19 date Tour with the Broilers throughout October. The band return to the UK for their biggest headline show to date at The Roundhouse in London on November 2nd, which kicks off their Autumn UK Headline Tour and Leftfield in Motion shows with Billy Bragg. Zane Lowe (BBC Radio 1) selected the track as his 'Hottest Record in The World' (03.10.2011) commenting that he was 'blown away' when he first heard 'The Future's Not What It Used To Be (Silcox & Eyes Remix)' describing the collaboration as 'phenomenal', a 'match made in heaven' and a 'perfect hybrid'. The single's release date of November 20th is set to closely follow the band's biggest headline show to date at The Roundhouse in Camden Town, London on November 2nd, with other UK shows as follows:- Wed 2nd - Roundhouse, London Thu 3rd - Academy 2, Birmingham Fri 4th - Academy 2, Manchester Sat 5th - The Arches, Glasgow Mon 7th - Waterfront, Norwich Tue 8th - Lemongrove, Exeter We are also pleased to announce that the band will be co-headlining the Leftfield in Motion tour with BillyBragg in November on the following dates:- Tues 15th - Leadmill, Sheffield Wed 16th - Teeside University Thur 17th - Leeds Met Uni Sat 19th - Junction, Cambridge Sun 20th - Keele University Mon 21st - Academy, Oxford To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Friday, October 21, 2011
ABBA release all eight studio albums on vinyl again
Email this story Printable version Universal Music released all eight of ABBA's studio albums today on vinyl. To date, ABBA has sold over 370 million albums around the world with their Gold greatest hits collection selling well over 28 million copies alone. The musical Mamma Mia has gone on to be the world's No. 1 show with more productions playing simultaneously around the globe than any other musical. From their first hit single Waterloo in 1974, the phenomenon continues as new generations continue to discover the music of ABBA. Each release will also include a digital voucher for an MP3 version of the release. The following are the albums included: Ring Ring is the 1973 debut studio album by ABBA featuring Benny Andersson, Bjorn Ulvaeus, Agnetha Faltskog and Frida 'Anni-Frid' Lyngstad. Ring Ring originally was only available in Scandinavia and a limited number of other countries, only later to be made available in the U.S. The album features the upbeat Rock 'N' Roll Band, the infectious I Am Just A Girl and title track Ring Ring, which gives a glimpse of what would become the ABBA sound. This re-release uses artwork with the name 'ABBA,' although at the time of its original release the name ABBA had not yet been coined. Waterloo is ABBA's second studio album originally released in the U.S. in 1974, marking their American debut. The album features a wide variety of musical styles including reggae, folk-rock and rock. It includes the hit title track Waterloo, which went to No. 6 on the U.S. charts, and their top 50 hit single Honey, Honey. Waterloo brings the group closer to that more familiar ABBA hit-making formula and illustrates the group's progression as they begin to hone their sound, setting the stage to become a global phenomenon. ABBA, the eponymously titled third studio album, was released in 1975 and was the album that made ABBA superstars worldwide. On its release, ABBA hit the Billboard 200 and features their megahit singles S.O.S, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do and Mamma Mia, plus ambitious tracks such as Intermezzo No. 1 that showcase Andersson and Ulvaeus' classical leanings while demonstrating their abilities as proficient songwriters. Arrival, the aptly titled fourth studio album by ABBA, was released in 1976, hit the top 20 on the U.S. album chart and features their No. 1 smash hits Fernando and Dancing Queen, the latter becoming one of ABBA's signature songs. Also included is their top 10 hit Knowing Me, Knowing You and their top 20 hit Money, Money, Money. ABBA ' The Album was released in 1977 in conjunction with ABBA: The Movie, which features several of its songs and reached top 20 on the album charts. It sold a million copies in its first six months and includes their smash hit singles Take a Chance on Me and The Name of the Game. The Album also features songs from a 'mini-musical' called Girl with the Golden Hair that Andersson and Ulvaeus wrote for their concerts and intended to be used in a dramatically coherent storytelling context. Voulez-Vous is ABBA's 1979 hit album, reaching top 20 on the Billboard album chart and featuring the hits Does Your Mother Know-which hit top 20 in the U.S.-Chiquitita, Angeleyes and the title track, Voulez-Vous. Super Trouper was released in 1980 and was yet another worldwide success, landing in the top 20 in the U.S. The album reflected a change in style with ABBA returning to the pop-rock sound of their earlier albums. It spawned the global hits The Winner Takes It All, which reached No. 1 on the U.S. charts, On and On and On, Lay Your Love On Me and the title track, Super Trouper. The Visitors is the eighth and final studio album by ABBA, released in 1981. With The Visitors, ABBA took several steps away from lighter pop music and the album is often regarded as a more complex and mature effort. The album reached the top 40 in the U.S. and features two top 10 hits, The Visitors and When All Is Said and Done, and the top 50-charting One Of Us. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
UB40 declared bankrupt
Email this story Printable version UB40, the British band that merged reggae into pop with such hits as Red, Red Wine and Can't Help Falling in Love, have been declared bankrupt. Those named in the court proceedings were saxophonist Brian Travers, percussionist Norman Hassan, trumpeter Terrence Oswald and drummer Jimmy Brown. The four members have been declared insolvent and the British tax department have given the go-ahead to start seizing band property to pay off the debts. A previous decision had already allowed authorities to attach royalties and other assets of the band. Singer Ali Campbell, along with the four principles in the bankruptcy and Robin Campbell (guitar), Mickey Virtue (keyboards), formed UB40 in 1978 and were courting worldwide fame two years later when they went on tour with the Pretenders. After a long and successful career, Ali Campbell left the group in 2008 after ongoing disagreements over the group's management and business decisions in what seemed to be a foreshadowing of the current situation. Mickey Virtue left at the same time. According to Britain's Daily Mail, original member Robin Campbell was included in the court case but was not listed as part of the bankruptcy. The group, who now has another Campbell brother, Duncan, as lead singer, is reportedly continuing and planning a new album for next year. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Justin Bieber: Festive hip-hop rocks
Email this story Printable version Justin Bieber says rapping on a Christmas album is 'genius'. The Canadian singer is releasing a festive record this year called Under the Mistletoe. Justin has secured a host of big names for the album including Usher, Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men. The 17-year-old is particularly pleased that Busta Rhymes agreed to appear on his version of Little Drummer Boy. "If you really think about it, it's genius, because it's rapping on a Christmas album... and, like, I'm rapping on it. And then it's singing," Justin told MTV News. "It's cool. [Busta's] got, like, a percussive voice to him [and] the beat was so crazy. I'm actually playing drums on that song, playing the snare." Justin has teamed up with Mariah on a new rendition of her seasonal classic, All I Want for Christmas Is You. The teen heartthrob was thrilled to duet with the singing superstar and has revealed how the collaboration came about. "Mariah Carey is doing it with me! It's incredible," he said. "We wanted Mariah from the beginning, but we kind of thought it was really hard, so we didn't really push the idea. But she's on my label, so we reached out to some people, she got in contact with us, and Randy Jackson was actually at the studio with us, and I was like, 'Yo, you think you can help get Mariah on the Christmas album?' And he was like, 'I'm actually going to see her in New York on Monday.'" Justin premiered the music promo for Mistletoe, the first single from the new album, earlier this week. © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Selena Gomez target of death threat
Email this story Printable version Selena Gomez is reportedly the target of a serious death threat. The 19-year-old singer and actress now has the assistance of the Los Angeles Police Department's Threat Management Unit, TMZ has claimed. The group suggested the star obtain a restraining order, which she has reportedly done. Thomas Brodnicki, 46, allegedly told his therapist that he was going to kill Selena. He is said to have a criminal history of stalking. In the declarations by Selena and her lawyer, Blair Berk, the man told the psychiatrist that he travelled to Los Angeles from Chicago just to meet the former Disney star and went to where she was working at least three times. He has apparently told people he had conversations with God about killing the performer. Selena says that she is living in 'extreme fear' that Brodnicki will carry out the threat against her if something isn't done to intervene Brodnicki was taken for a mental evaluation last month after he allegedly threatened to 'scratch people's eyes out on the street.' He allegedly made the threats against Selena during the evaluation. Court documents state that the LAPD are taking the threats 'extremely seriously'. Selena is currently dating pop star Justin Bieber and has received a lot of negative attention since the relationship started earlier this year. © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Justin Timberlake makes green joke
Email this story Printable version Justin Timberlake has joked he loves 'green herbs'. The singer-and-actor was honoured at the Environmental Media Association (EMA) Awards on Saturday evening. The organisation aims to promote green issues by encouraging those in the entertainment industry to spread the word. Justin received the Futures prize, thanks to his commitment to 'environmental commitment and activism'. He was thrilled with the accolade, and took to the stage in Burbank, California, to accept it. ' like a lot of green things like nature and money and things like Kermit the Frog, golf greens, Al Green, hell ' I even love Seth Green,' he joked. ' like all sorts of green herbs, some of which I take with medical prescription. It's legal! Uh, green tea. That's what I was referring to. Green tea.' Justin has created an eco-friendly golf course called Mirimichi in Memphis, Tennessee, which is where he comes from. That was one of the reasons he was honoured, with the star explaining golf and green issues are his two main passions in life. He used a quote from singer Joni Mitchell to discuss why he'd decided to create Mirimichi. 'My family and I heard that somebody was going to 'Pave paradise and turn it into a parking lot,' so I decided to buy paradise myself instead!' he said. The ceremony was held on Saturday night, with stars including Nicole Richie, Amy Smart, Daryl Hannah, Kim Raver and Kyra Sedgwick in attendance. © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Quick quips: American Country Awards, Jose Feliciano, Vince Gill, David Hess
Email this story Printable version The nominations were announced for the 2nd annual American Country Awards, to be held on December 5 in Las Vegas. Some artists nominated: Alison Krauss (Artist of the Year: Female) Reba McEntire (Single of the Year: Female, Music Video: Female (Turn on the Radio)) Alabama (Single of the Year: Vocal Collaboration (Old Alabama with Brad Paisley) Jimmy Buffett (Single of the Year: Vocal Collaboration (Knee Deep with the Zac Brown Band)) George Strait (Touring Headline Act of the Year) The complete list of nominees can be seen here. Jose Feliciano is opening a new cafe in the city of Vienna, Austria. The singer will travel to the city for the November 18 opening. Vince Gill has been named the Grand Marshal for the 59th Annual Nashville Christmas Parade, which will be on December 2. David Hess, who write I Got Stung for Elvis Presley and Speedy Gonzales for Pat Boone, died after a heart attack on October 8 at the age of 75. As a recording artist, Hess cut the original version of Otis Blackwell's All Shook Up. Later in his career, he began acting including the original version of Last House on the Left. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Thom Yorke to take over 6 Mix this weekend
Email this story Printable version BBC6 Music latest! This weekend's 6 Mix is being taken over by Radiohead's Thom Yorke. From the man who never (normally) talks, he guides you through his favourite tracks from the likes of Zomby, Emika and James Blake explaining the where and when he first heard about them, as well as dropping a couple of exclusive new tracks from himself and remixes which didn't make TKOL RMX 1234567. The show starts at 8pm this Sunday (October 16) on BBC 6 Music. Check out our 90-second teaser below. Thom Yorke 6 Mix (BBC 6 Music) teaser by 6mix To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Taylor Swift releases ‘dream’ fragrance
Email this story Printable version Taylor Swift is 'enchanted' by her new fragrance's scent. Taylor's perfume Wonderstruck hit stores in America this month. Choosing the fragrance's name was a deeply personal experience for the singer. 't's a line from my song Enchanted and the line says, 'I'm wonderstruck blushing all the way.' I've always loved that line and that phrase, 'wonderstruck.' You don't hear it very often,' Taylor explained TV show Good Morning America today. Taylor ruminated on the title for years. The 21-year-old musician has had this ambition since she was a teenager. ' just felt like if I ever got the chance to make a fragrance - which I've dreamed of doing since I was about 14 years old - Ever since I wrote that song I thought that would be the title,' Taylor explained. 'And I'd want to [create a] great fragrance that smelled the way that word feels.' Taylor spent nearly a year creating her fragrance while performing concerts on her Speak Now World Tour. When on stage, Taylor focuses less on perfume and more on inspiration. She writes song lyrics on her arms to keep her focused. ' choose [the lyrics] just based on how I'm feeling that day. It's sort of a mood ring,' Taylor said. 't's random. It's always other artists' lyrics. But it's like if I think a line is clever or a line applies to how I'm feeling that day - it can be anything like that. It's always something that for some reason applies to me that day.' © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Lee Jeans announces Revival Tour instore gig on Carnaby Street
Email this story Printable version American denim icon Lee continues a rich tradition of working with best-in-class music acts, supporting The Revival Tour as it makes its first steps to Europe this season. The tour, conceived by Chuck Ragan (solo recording and touring artist as well as guitarist/vocalist for the legendary punk act Hot Water Music), brings together some of the hottest names in rock music to perform acoustically in more intimate club venues, such as Brian Fallon (The Gaslight Anthem), Dan Adriano (Alkaline Trio) and Dave Hause (The Loved Ones), accompanied by Jon Gaunt (Fiddle) and Joe Ginsberg (Upright Bass). The guys have joined forces to perform acoustically in venues throughout Europe for the tour which started on 27th September in Bristol and ends in Portsmouth on 17th October. As an extra special performance, the guys will be grouping together in the Lee Carnaby Street store to perform a mini acoustic set on Saturday 15th October at 2pm. Let us know if you can make it. Facebook listing: Find out more about The Revival Tour here: For more about Lee at: To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Rihanna: I would audition for talent show
Email this story Printable version Rihanna would've entered a TV singing show if she hadn't been signed. The 23-year-old will be the special guest on US X Factor this week. She can't wait to appear, revealing she is a huge fan of the new series searching for a music superstar. 'Six years ago before I was signed, if it was The X Factor that had come first, I definitely would have entered to have a chance at fulfilling my dream,' she is quoted as saying by 'With this show, it's all so exciting, and it's like a party!' Rihanna appeared on the UK version of The X Factor last year. Her performance drew huge viewing figures and there were complaints from viewers about her raunchy performers. The singer confessed that there is always huge pressure when performing on the shows. 'Because I respect the business and you have young people who want to be in your shoes and to be the professional - you don't want to get up there and be lacklustre,' she explained. 'You have to put you're 'A' game on this show." Rihanna was signed to Def Jam Recordings when she was just 16. She auditioned for L.A. Reid ' a judge on US X Factor - who signed her on the spot. The star sympathises with all the contestants who stand up in front of the judging panel, which also features Simon Cowell. "I know what it's like to audition for L.A.' she said. 'He can definitely be a pain in the a*s as well. I have to say, he will find a way to make you feel you might have a second chance on a nice day, but he rarely gives second chances. You have to really impress him in a short time. Simon is very raw. Let's put it that way. With the way that he approaches critique. But it's very honest. You have to listen to everything he says, no matter how nasty it might sound.' © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Joe Jonas: Going solo is scary
Email this story Printable version Joe Jonas finds being a solo artist 'scary' sometimes. The 22-year-old musician's first solo record Fastlife is due to be released on October 11. Joe put his heart and soul into this album. 'When I started writing for the record, I wanted it to be very personal. even though it's scary because it's just [me] by myself,' Joe told USA Today. 'People are going to listen and try to pinpoint what the lyrics are about, but I did my best without saying any names.' Being a member of group The Jonas Brothers offered Joe familial support when he performed onstage. Although performing alone is a novel experience for the singer, Joe thoroughly enjoys it. 'Even if I'm tired or exhausted or not feeling great, when I look out into the audience and I see those fans - that energy that they pull out of me is just hard to explain,' Joe said. 'Being on your own is a different thing because you put pressure on yourself to make the show great.' Joe credits his current success to the lessons he learned in his formative professional years. Experiencing fame as a teenager, Joe feels fortunate to have had a wide network of support. ' was living that life for six years, still kind of am. It can be a very scary thing. I'm lucky I had a family and good friends to keep my head on straight and to realise it's a dream come true.' © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Lady Gaga may become Queen Gaga
Email this story Printable version Queen guitarist Brian May says he has spoken to Lady Gaga about the possibility of her being a singer for Queen. It is not that far fetched. Lady Gaga was named after the Queen song 'Radio Gaga'. Brian May played guitar on 'You & I' from the 'Born This Way' album and Queen have had different guest singers before. The most recent was Paul Rodgers of Bad Company/Free fame. ' worked with Lady Gaga and she's very creative and is someone we've talked about singing, fronting the band with,' May told the Daily Express. 'Lady Gaga has said she would like to do something with us'. Queen are currently auditioning unknown singers for Queen Extravaganza, a tour drummer Roger Taylor plans to do across the USA next year. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Scorpions new album
Email this story Printable version SCORPIONS had announced their leave and advertised their last tour, the most frequently asked question by journalists all over the world, was the one about a possible comeback. Taking its cue from the question, the Scorpions have called their new album ' Comeblack' as an ironic response. The idea for 'Comeblack' came up during the Scorpions impressive world tour. The band explain "We can't exactly remember the day, the month or the hour, but at some point during this tour we were simply overwhelmed by the success of "Sting in the Tail" and our farewell tour. The idea to go back to the studio was born out of pure excitement ... Screaming fans wherever we went! It was great to share the studio with Mikael and Martin again, going crazy with ideas for a new "project"!" Bookended by completely new productions of great SCORPIONS songs like 'Rock You Like A Hurricane', 'Wind Of Change' or 'Still Loving You', adapted to today's technical standards, Meine, Schenker, Jabs & co. recorded songs in their very special way. Songs, which had enormous meaning to them during their career, and have since become milestones of musical history, like 'Tin Soldier' by The Small Faces, 'Ruby Tuesday' by The Rolling Stones, or Soft Cell's 'Tainted Love'. "You ask why? The answer is quite simple: This album is an encore for our die-hard fans, to thank them for all the support for so many years. At the same time, this is a tribute to legendary bands from the sixties, like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, who have inspired us to follow our dreams. We hope you like it as much as we do ... Rock on and ... Comeblack" Scorpions. Track listing : 1 Rhythm Of Love 2 No One Like You 3 The Zoo 4 Rock You Like A Hurricane 5 Blackout 6 Wind Of Change 7 Still Loving You 8 Tainted Love Original: Gloria Jones / Soft Cell 9 Children Of The Revolution Original: T. Rex 10 Across The Universe Original: The Beatles 11 Tin Soldier Original: Small Faces 12 All Day And All Of The Night Original: The Kinks 13 Ruby Tuesday Original: The Rolling Stones Label ColumbiaSevenOne Formats CD Cat No: 88697830742 Digital Cat No: G010002048930P Double Vinyl w/ Gatefold sleeve Cat No: 88697990671 To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Game announces two UK tour dates for November
Email this story Printable version GAME has announced two UK tour dates for November following the release of his fourth album 'The R.E.D Album' in August through Interscope Records. The album follows the multi-million sellers 'The Documentary' (2005), 'Doctor's Advocate' (2006) and ' LAX' (2008). Game has been working on the R.E.D project since 2009 allowing for much speculation as to who Game has been working with. Evidently all good things come to those who wait with a confirmed roll call of collaborators including; Dr. Dre, Tyler The Creator, Pharrell Williams, Wale, Lil Wayne, Big Boi, Nelly Furtardo, Snoop Dogg, Cool & Dre, DJ Khalil, Drake, Young Jeezy, E-40, Rick Ross, Beanie Sigel, DJ Premiere, Boi-1da, Lloyd and The Futuristics. While Chris Brown features on the anthemic new single 'Pot of Gold' currently climbing the charts and clocking up millions of views online. Game used recent media appearances and his popular Twitter feed to offer updates on the R.E.D project dropping hints and cryptic clues to who he collaborating with, offering candid insight into the albums development. The recent mixtape 'Hoodmorning (No Typo): Candy Coronas' (available here: blew up on the blogs and trended on Twitter for 24 hours creating huge excitement for 'The R.E.D Album'. The popular mixtape features the much buzzed about album track 'Drug Test' featuring Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg, while other features and producers on the mix include; Lil Wayne, Baby, DJ Khalil, Che Vicious, Mars, B.O.B, Whiz Khalifa, Gun Roulet, Yelawolf and Jim Jonsin. R.E.D Album Tracklisting: 1. DR. DRE INTRO 2. THE CITY (FEAT. KENDRICK LAMAR) PRODUCTION: COOL & DRE 3. DRUG TEST (FEAT. DR. DRE, SNOOP DOGG & SLY) PRODUCTION: DJ KHALIL 4. MARTIANS Vs GOBLINS (FEAT. LIL WAYNE & TYLER THE CREATOR) PRODUCTION: LARRANCE DOPSON, CHRISTOPHER 'BRODY' BROWN & MARS 5. RED NATION (FEAT. LIL WAYNE) PRODUCTION: COOL & DRE 6. DR. DRE 1 7. GOOD GIRLS GO BAD (FEAT. DRAKE) PRODUCTION: COOL & DRE 8. RICKY PRODUCTION: DJ KHALIL 9. THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLY PRODUCTION: HIT BOY 10. HEAVY ARTILLERY (FEAT. RICK ROSS & BEANIE SIGEL PRODUCTION: STREETRUNNER 11. PARAMEDICS (FEAT. YOUNG JEEZY) PRODUCTION: MAESTRO 12. SPEAKERS ON BLAST (FEAT. BIG BOI & E-40) PRODUCTION: MARS 13. HELLO (FEAT. LLOYD) PRODUCTION: LARRANCE DOPSON, CHRISTOPHER 'BRODY' BROWN & MARS 14. ALL THE WAY GONE (FEAT. MARIO & WALE) PRODUCTION: DON CANNON & MARS 15. POT OF GOLD (FEAT. CHRIS BROWN) PRODUCTION: THE FUTURISTICS 16. DR. DRE 2 17. ALL I KNOW PRODUCTION: BOI-1DA 18. BORN IN THE TRAP PRODUCTION: DJ PREMIERE 19. MAMA KNOWS (FEAT. NELLY FURTADO) PRODUCTION: PHARRELL WILLIAMS 20. CALIFORNIA DREAM PRODUCTION: MARS 21. DR. DRE OUTRO Game headline dates in Newcastle and Manchester next month: November Wednesday 23rd Newcastle O2 Academy 0844 477 2000 Thursday 24th Manchester O2 Apollo 0844 477 7677 To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Jason Derülo: Struggle makes us strong
Email this story Printable version Jason Derülo says 'hardship' makes you stronger. The American singer-songwriter believes everyone needs some knockbacks to make them strive for success. The music star will attend the BBC Radio 1 Teen Awards in the UK this weekend and is looking forward to meeting some motivated young people. 'There are some really inspiring teens out there and I know it will be inspiring to hear their stories,' he told BBC Newsbeat. 'Hardships can make us stronger, you know, and through those we can grow and be something great and be an example. These teens are the future.' The 22-year-old musician admits he was a handful when he was growing up. Jason had boundless amounts of energy and some of his teachers thought he might have Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD). He admits he still has high energy levels and often behaves like a teenager. ' would sing and dance around and I think the teachers thought I had ADD because I just couldn't pay attention. I was a very good tester and I always tested very well, so I graduated from school two years early,' he explained. ' was a very driven teen as well, definitely a jokester ' I liked to have fun. I am still the same person, I feel like I am still a teen.' © Cover Media To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Radiohead King Of Limbs remixes stream online
Email this story Printable version Hear all nineteen remixes of tracks from Radiohead's King Of Limbs streaming online. The remix project for King Of Limbs is streaming online and will be available for purchase from the Radiohead website on October 10. All nineteen tracks are on the stream, including remixes from Modeselektor, SBTRKT, Four Tet, Caribou and Jacques Greene. The track 'Bloom' gets the most reworkings, with five different remixes appearing in the collection. You can pre-order TKOL RMX 1234567 (as it is titled) here but if you want to have a listen before next Monday, check it out below. More from To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Flea and Thom Yorke reveal more on Atoms For Peace album
Email this story Printable version Flea and Thom Yorke have both talked about the album from their supergroup Atoms For Peace. Last week the Radiohead singer revealed to BBC Radio 1 that the debut album from his supergroup Atoms For Peace is almost finished. The group includes longtime Radiohead produced Nigel Godrich and Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea. While Yorke sounded excited by the work he and Godrich have been putting into it recently, Flea has just revealed to Rolling Stone that he doesn't think it's happening too soon. He said, 'At the end of the tour we went into a studio for three days and just jammed ' totally improvising. Thom and Nigel have taken that stuff and done shit with it. I've heard little bits and pieces. I have no idea when it's going to come out. Not real soon though.' Flea also spoke about the difference between the public's perception of him and Yorke. He revealed, 'Especially when we were playing together. People would go, 'Thom is so cerebral and Flea is just an animal.' But Thom is the type of musician who doesn't think at all. He goes totally on feeling and intuition. Whereas I'm like, 'You can try a G7 chord with a diminished fifth, that might be proper.' 'My point is that he's such a beautiful, natural and exciting musician. Also, his relationship with Nigel is so cool, Nigel being this organizational, producery-type guy. They're going to have something incredible. I have complete faith in them.' More from Noise11 To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
James Morrison announces headline UK tour
Email this story Printable version James Morrison, whose album 'The Awakening' is number 1 in the album chart this week, will play a headline UK tour in January and February 2012. The album features the single 'I Won't Let You Go' which went into the UK singles chart at number 5. It also features James's collaboration with Jessie J, 'Up' which will be the next single ' released November 27. The dates are: JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 Sunday 29 Jan Dublin Olympia Wednesday 1 Feb Manchester O2 Apollo Friday 3 Cambridge Corn Exchange Saturday 4 Southampton Guildhall Monday 6 Leicester De Montford Hall Tuesday 7 Birmingham O2 Academy Thursday 9 London Hammersmith Apollo Sunday 12 Southend Cliff Pavilion Monday 13 Bristol Colston Hall Wednesday 15 Glasgow O2 Academy Friday 17 Leeds O2 Academy Saturday 18 Nottingham Royal Centre Sunday 19 Newcastle O2 Academy To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Monday, October 3, 2011
You Me At Six to play free HMV gigs to launch new album
Email this story Printable version Kerrang! award winners for Best British Band, You Me At Six, celebrate the release, You Me At Six, celebrate the release of their highly anticipated new album, 'Sinners Never Sleep', with four in-store performances and signing sessions at hmv stores, starting at hmv's flagship Oxford Street store in London's West End on Monday 3rd October 2011. Showtime starts at 6.00 pm, after which the band will remain in the store to meet fans and sign copies of the new album which is released the same day through Virgin Records. Due to anticipated demand, access to the hmv London signing session will be restricted. 400 wristbands will be issued from the store on the day of the event from 8.30 am on a first-come first-served basis. Next up the band head over to hmv's High Street store in Birmingham on Tuesday 4th October 2011 and then onto hmv's Arndale Centre store on Wednesday 5th October 2011. Both performances start at 5.00 pm and are followed signing sessions. The band then wrap up their mini tour of hmv stores with a 5.00 pm performance followed by a signing session at hmv's Buchanan Street store in Glasgow on Thursday 6th October 2011. The album was recorded in Los Angeles earlier this year with producer Garth Richardson, known for his production work with band such as Biffy Clyro and Rage Against The Machine. The album is also to feature guest vocalists Oli Sykes and Winston McCall from Bring Me The Horizon and Parkway Drive respectively. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Brett Anderson live dates in October
Email this story Printable version Brett Anderson released a brand new solo album 'Black Rainbows' on EMI Records on Sep 26. The album sees Brett return to the rock format he is most identified with through his work with Suede and is the first rock album he has made for 6 years. It was conceived over a 3 day session in January last year when Brett, producer Leo Abrahams, Seb Rochford and Leopold Ross worked on 20 different pieces, which gradually evolved into songs. Anderson describes the album as 'restless, noisy and dynamic. Electric guitars, bass, drums and vocals ' no flute players, no strings, no gimmicks, just passion'. The album is preceded by the single 'Brittle Heart' which is available as a download on August 15. Both the single and album were produced by Leo Abrahams and appear as part of a new deal with EMI Records. Brett will play two live dates in October, for which tickets go on sale this Friday, May 20. The dates are: Oct 11 MANCHESTER CLUB ACADEMY OCT 12 LONDON KOKO Suede play the first of three nights at London's Brixton Academy tonight, May 19. Their studio catalogue is released in expanded, re-mastered audio and DVD formats starting on May 30 with their classic debut 'Suede'. The catalogue is released by Demon/Edsel. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Goo Goo Dolls set for top spot this weekend
Email this story Printable version Buffalo's Goo Goo Dolls are set to top the UK single's chart with the song 'ris' this weekend. 'Iris' is currently No. 1 on iTunes, with the band's Greatest Hits album re-entering the charts No.18. Iris has been a steady seller since it's original release in 1998, clocking up over 433,000 UK sales, and has already had over 30 Million views on YouTube. It's been in and out of the UK charts, but this will be it's highest position. Last Sunday two finalists on the X Factor chose to sing the song' which has helped to put the band back into the consciousness of the British public. Goo Goo Dolls released their Tim Palmer produced, ninth studio album, 'SOMETHING FOR THE REST OF US', in August 2011, which reaffirmed their position as one of the US's most popular rock bands when the album debuted at No.7 on the Billboard top 200 chart. The album's first single 'Home' extended the band's record to14 top ten hits at the hot AC radio format in the US. The band followed this by another sold out UK tour (which included London's Brixton Academy) in November 2010. 'SOMETHING FOR THE REST OF US' was the follow up to 2006's Let Love In, which marked the Goo Goo Dolls' 20th anniversary as a band. The album spawned several Top 10 singles, including 'Better Days,' 'Stay With You,' and the title track, which gave them their record-breaking twelfth Top 10 hit. Their thirteenth, 'Before It's Too Late,' appeared on the blockbuster Transformers soundtrack. Goo Goo Dolls have racked up four Grammy nominations and sold more than 10 million albums. Singer John Rzeznik has also been the recipient of the Hal David Starlight Songwriter Award. The Goo Goo Dolls, which is singer/guitarist Johnny Rzeznik, bassist Robby Takac, and drummer Mike Malinin, are currently on tour in the U.S. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Friday, September 30, 2011
PJ Harvey to perform on The Andrew Marr show
Email this story Printable version PJ Harvey will revisit The Andrew Marr Show for a live solo performance on Sunday 2nd October, 2011 in front of fellow guest Prime Minister David Cameron. Harvey last appeared on the show in April 2010 debuting the title track from her yet to be released new album 'Let England Shake', to an audience including then Prime Minister Gordon Brown one week ahead of the General Election. 'Let England Shake', released on 14th February 2011 on Island Records, was awarded the 2011 Barclaycard Mercury Prize for Album of the Year at last month's ceremony, ten years after Harvey's previous win for Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. PJ Harvey is the first woman to win the award as well as the first artist to win for a second time, with the Guardian commenting that 'it was a victory for her intelligent, soulful music, and an album that resonates with our war torn times.' PJ Harvey and her live band (John Parish, Mick Harvey and Jean-Marc Butty) return to the UK this Autumn for two sold-out shows at London's Royal Albert Hall on October 30th and 31st. To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
This Feeling announces events in Manchester, Edinburgh and London
Email this story Printable version London's premier Rock 'n' Roll night, THIS FEELING, is proud to announce events in Manchester, Edinburgh as well as its flagship London zone. The hugely popular club night has fast built a reputation as London's Rock and Roll HQ - the likes Kasabian, Noel Gallagher, Noel Fielding, Miles Kane, Shaun Ryder and many more are regularly seen - and is the place to witness live shows from the best new bands in the land and the biggest bands of our times. The good news is This Feeling is spreading its wings and is off out on tour taking its brand of good times and great music with it. In keeping with this fine tradition, This Feeling in October presents Pengu!ns, hailed as the 'punk Eurythmics' and featuring the enormously talented Zak Starkey and hotly-tipped East London punk-pop group, Dexters, who play all three events. Edinburgh's own The Stagger Rats, fresh out the studio with Owen Morris (Verve / Oasis) bring timeless harmonies and an unmistakable swagger to both Edinburgh and London, along with fellow Scots Modern Faces who've recently toured with Kasabian and The Charlatans. And in Manchester, a truly momentous night in store, with a DJ set from The Twang, plus live shows from two of the city's best up-and-coming bands ' The Rainband (featuring Rowetta, formerly of Happy Mondays) and ska/soul four-piece Janice Graham Band. Pengu!ns and Dexters also play 'live' That's not all... Hamish MacBain (NME) and This Feeling's Resident DJs will be abusing eager eardrums all night long across all three This Feeling events. Advance tickets and info @ To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Pink Floyd week on Jimmy Fallon
Email this story Printable version Late night host Jimmy Fallon is set to salute Pink Floyd over the next week on his NBC show. It's all to celebrate the reissue of the Floyd catalog with the remastered original albums plus special editions of some of their classics. The schedule: Monday, September 26 - Drummer Nick Mason will talk with Fallon and the Shins will perform Breathe from Dark Side of the Moon. Tuesday, September 27 - Roger Waters will talk with Fallon and will join the Foo Fighters to perform In the Flesh from The Wall. Wednesday, September 28 - MGMT will perform Lucifer Sam from 1967's The Piper at the Gates of Dawn. Thursday, September 29 - Dierks Bentley will perform Wish You Were Here. Friday, September 30 - Pearl Jam will perform Mother from The Wall. Fallon had previously had week long tributes to the Rolling Stones and Bob Marley. More from VVN Music To be in with a chance of winning 1000 CDs including rare, signed and promotional copies simply 'like' our Award Winning facebook page here! And double your chances by following us on Twitter Follow @MusicNewsWeb For all DVD, Blu-Ray and other film related prizes visit our sister site competitions page here. Good luck!
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